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ТЕМА: Сочинение на тему "мой любимый день недели" на английском

Сочинение на тему "мой любимый день недели" на английском 7 года 3 мес. назад #6738

  • masha
  • masha аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Живу я здесь
  • Сообщений: 553
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 2
My favourite day of the week is Saturday because there are no classes on Saturdays and there is always a forthcoming Sunday. I can't consider myself as a lazy person and basically I'm an early bird but I enjoy sleeping till 10 or 11 a.m. on Saturdays. After waking up, I fancy having breakfast in bed while reading a book or watching TV. However, after some time I get up, get dressed and start planning my day. I'm not a couch potato and never spend much time just sitting around and watching TV. Next, I look through my stamp collection and plan what items to buy or exchange. I have taken up this hobby recently and it usually takes some time. I like being at home, however I'm not a complete homebody, so I normally contact my friends in the afternoon and we go out to have some time together. We always go trampolining on Saturdays. We are fond of it because it's a real fun! Sometimes we go to a cafe to chat and play some board games. I am keen on various activities and in summers I normally go roller-skating, in winters I usually go skiing, in autums I prefer to go bowling and in springs I always cycle. Saturday evenings I usually spend at home because we always have guests on Saturday evenings. Sometimes I want to have two Saturdays a week instead of one!
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Сочинение на тему "мой любимый день недели" на английском 7 года 3 мес. назад #6739

  • yliana
  • yliana аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Живу я здесь
  • Сообщений: 400
  • Репутация: 5
My favorite day of the week is Saturday. On this day, I rest, play, play sports, go out with friends on the street. On Saturdays, no one calls me home early and does not make me do my homework, because I'm doing my homework on Sunday. And when I have enough willpower, I do my lessons on Friday, and then I have two days off - Saturday and Sunday! But this happens rarely: on Friday night I'm already resting.
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Сочинение на тему "мой любимый день недели" на английском 7 года 3 мес. назад #6740

  • galina
  • galina аватар
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  • Живу я здесь
  • Сообщений: 1187
  • Спасибо получено: 1
  • Репутация: 0
My favorite day of the week Sunday. First, you can sleep for the whole week.Secondly, it is not necessary again to go to school. And third, today the whole family at home! We are all together! I love when before we decide what will work on this weekend! This Sunday we decided to spend on the river. We in the evening they prepared the tent and fishing rods. In the morning my mother would collect food, and we hit the road. I love to sit down with my dad fishing on the shore . Then to help my mom to cook soup. With my brother we always play volleyball on the beach, collected for mothers bouquets of daisies. Have fun, joke, play... I am very happy when our family could spend time together away from home, from the noise, hustle and bustle. So you do not want to go back! It is a pity that Sunday is only one teacher per week!


Мой любимый день недели воскресенье. Во-первых, можно отоспаться за всю неделю.Во-вторых, не надо опять идти в школу. И в -третьих, сегодня вся семья дома! Мы все вместе! Я так люблю, когда мы накануне решаем, чем займёмся в выходной! Это воскресенье мы решили провести на речке. Мы с вечера приготовили палатку и удочки. Утром мама соберёт продукты, и мы отправимся в путь. Я люблю посидеть рядом с папой с удочкой на бережке . Потом помогать маме готовить уху. С братом мы всегда играем в волейбол на берегу, собираем для мамы букеты из ромашек. Веселимся, шутим, играем... Я очень счастлив, когда наша семья может побыть вместе далеко от дома, от шума, от суеты. Так не хочется возвращаться! Жаль, что воскресенье только один рав в неделю!
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Сочинение на тему "мой любимый день недели" на английском 7 года 3 мес. назад #6741

  • lera
  • lera аватар
  • Не в сети
  • Живу я здесь
  • Сообщений: 1548
  • Репутация: 1
My favorite day of the week Friday, because I like watch TV and drink kola in evening .You are saving for retirement every month and you are counting down the days until you can retire. Preparing for retirement might be better than the actual retirement for you. It’s a big challenge to make the finance work and you enjoy it. Hopefully, you’ll also prepare for the unstructured time that comes with retirement as well because that tends to get overlooked.
Friday – The anticipation for the weekend makes Friday the best day of the week. Beside, you can goof off after lunch, dream about what you’ll do on the weekend, and leave early for an evening out with friends.
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